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Investment in real estate has been affected by the process of financial globalization and has experienced a markedly cyclical behavior. Two periods of expansion can be observed, one in the 1980s and, another one, in the period 1993 to 2003, when non-resident investment increased considerably.

Since 2003, the flow of foreign investment in real estate in our country has suffered a moderate slowdown, but remaining a leader in foreign investment in Spain, being the sector that attracts the most foreign money.

In Escura we have detected that many of those investors of the eighties and late nineties now want to settle their properties in Spain, whether by sale, donation or inheritance.

These files are not always easy, as they generate legal conflicts in order to determine what the applicable law is, what the procedures are, what is the best taxation, and in many cases, how the properties can be disposed of.

Escura has professionals with a wide experience in these procedures, who can collaborate with professionals from all over the world, whose clients have properties in Spain and have/want to process their transmission, either “mortis causa” or “inter vivos”.

Our services include the location of assets, advice and execution of all formalities, search and legalization of documents, tax advice and compliance with tax obligations, advice on the sale of the goods, resolution judicial conflicts, etc.