International Desk

One more year, Best Lawyers distinguished lawyers from Bufete Escura

Best Lawyers, the most prestigious guide of lawyers in the United States, has already published the list of the most outstanding Spanish lawyers by specialty, for the year 2018. Among the most outstanding lawyers, 8 lawyers from Bufete Escura have been selected, having received a total of 11 mentions in the areas of Corporate and M&A, Tax, Litigation, Banking and Finance and Real Estate Law. It is a pride for Bufete Escura [...]

2017-12-13T10:32:06+01:00December 13th, 2017|International Desk, Room of press|0 Comments


This week the eleventh edition of the MEDAWEEK (Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders), , ​​takes place in Barcelona from November 22nd to 24th. Albert Sant I Pont i Andrea Piscedda, from Bufete Escura attended to the official opening where Mr. Nikolaos K. Margaropoulos, Secretary General of the World Federation of Consuls (FICAC) and member of Interlegal, participated as a speaker. The event was presented by Anwar Zibaoui (General Coordinator of MedaWeek Barcelona), [...]

2017-11-27T11:22:38+01:00November 22nd, 2017|International Desk, Room of press|0 Comments

Bufete Escura on the Interlegal Assembly in Leeds

Albert Sant I Pont, from the International Department of Bufete Escura, attended the Interlegal Assembly in Leeds, England from November 1st to 4th, along with other 60 representatives from 20 different countries. Interlegal is one of the oldest and most experienced international networks of legal firms. It is composed by Independent Commercial Law Firms in more than 40 countries, Interlegal is anattractive alternative for those Law Firms with offices in no more [...]

2017-11-15T11:56:32+01:00November 13th, 2017|International Desk, Room of press|0 Comments

María José Esteban, partner of Bufete Escura, speaker at the IBA Congress

Dra. María José Esteban, partner of Bufete Escura, has recently participated in the Annual Congress of the International Bar Association (IBA) in Sydney, Australia, from 8 to 13 October. The title of the paper presented was “Legal Ecosystem: What does current evolution look like and where does it lead us?” an intervention based on his recent research at the Law School Centre on the Legal Profession of Harvard. Her research activity focuses [...]

2017-11-06T11:54:22+01:00November 3rd, 2017|International Desk, Room of press|0 Comments

Andrea Piscedda, from Escura, on the Fall International Conference of Tag Alliance

Andrea Piscedda, coordinator of the International Area at Bufete Escura, has atended the Fall International Conference of TAG Alliance, to present the office as the host member of the next TAG Alliance Congress, which will take place in Barcelona from May 2nd to 4th, 2018. The TAG Aliance International Congress was held from October 18th to 20th in Quebec, Canada. A congress in which independent firms from around the world specialized on [...]

2022-02-14T13:01:12+01:00November 3rd, 2017|International Desk, Room of press|0 Comments

Bufete Escura and TÜV Rheinland has signed a collaboration agreement on Corporate Criminal Compliance

On October 5th , Bufete Escura signed a collaboration agreement with the certification body TÜV Rheinland Ibérica, Certification & Testing. Bufete Escura is one of the reference offices in the implementation of protocols of Corporate Criminal Prevention in order to comply with the exemption provided in article 31 bis of the Spanish Criminal Code. Bufete Escura, among others, has repeatedly requested the approval of homogenization systems for the procedures, to allow their [...]

2017-11-10T17:52:43+01:00October 18th, 2017|International Desk, Room of press|0 Comments

María José Esteban will participate on the Annual Conference of IBA

MARÍA JOSÉ ESTEBAN, PARTNER OF BUFETE ESCURA, WILL PARTICIPATE AS SPEAKER ON THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION (IBA) IN SYDNEY  On October, from 8th to 13th, 2017, will take place in Sydney the Annual Conference of the International Bar Association (IBA), which is the world’s leading organization of international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies. Mrs. Maria Jose Esteban, partner of the Bufete Escura, will participate as a [...]

Incorporation of Andrea Piscedda in the International Department of Escura

Andrea Piscedda Villena is a Lawyer who joins Bufete Escura to coordinate the International Department. Andrea Piscedda holds a law degree at the University of Barcelona and a Master’s Degree in Intellectual Property (LLM) at the University of Alicante. By this incorporation, Bufete Escura reinforces its International Department. The firm is member of TagLaw and Interlegal, two of the most prestigious international networks of lawyers, providing services adding up to 83 countries, [...]

Bufete Escura Named Support Agent for Internationalization by the Generalitat de Catalunya

Bufete Escura has been named Support Agent for Internationalization (ASI) in the category of private companies specialized in the provision of services and advice to internationalization processes by the Agency for Competitiveness of the Company (ACCIÓ) of the Generalitat de Catalunya. ACCIÓ is an agency specialized in promoting innovation and business internationalization, with more than 20 years of experience in the development of programs for Catalan companies and 39 Foreign Trade and [...]

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