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The Barcelona Arbitration Court has announced that they have created a fast procedure called “Fast Track” for the resolution of contractual conflicts for companies that need an immediate solution and cannot wait for the resumption of ordinary judicial procedures.
Any company can request this procedure even if the resolution of conflicts was not contractually regulated by arbitration agreement.
The only requirement to start the procedure is that the two companies are willing to start the Fast Track.
Once the companies agree, an arbitrator will be assigned, and the allegation and trial phases will begin.
Likewise, the Arbitration Court informs that both parties will receive the resolution within 36 days from the presentation of the arbitration. The resolution, called “Laudo” has the same executive force as a judgment.
This procedure may be carried out since all the procedures will be telematic.
It is a good way for those clients who need to resolve a conflict during the Court stagnation period.
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