Last weekend has been held the Annual Congress of National Lawyers in Barcelona, during the days 28th, 29th and 30th of September.
On Friday, a very interesting conference on the Future of Advocacy in the Global Market took place, dealing with topics that are really of concern to many lawyers.
The presentations were inaugurated by Frederic Munné (Representative of the Board of Governors of the Bar Association of Barcelona) and Fernando Escura, Managing Partner of Bufete Escura.
The talks were given by Charles C. Coward, a member of the Bar Association of Barcelona, the New York State Bar Association, the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association; by María J. Esteban, lawyer and partner of Bufete Escura, PhD in Economics and Business Administration and Associate Professor at ESADE Business & Law School; and by Jordi Amado, expert economist in administration and management of offices and CEO and founding partner of Amado Consultants.
On Friday night, a cocktail was held at the MACBA to celebrate the Congress, as well as the inauguration of the new offices of Bufete Escura. It was a very pleasant evening, attended by up to 300 people, including representatives of Catalan civil society, banking, insurance, the judiciary, the collegiate world, the Academy, the University, outstanding entrepreneurs, representatives of various offices, etc.